
Kevin Cornell

Kevin Cornell is an ASE Certified Master Auto Technician who began working on cars as a teenager in the 1980s. With over four decades of auto repair experience that included teaching automotive technology at Porter & Chester Institute and a job maintaining a fleet of electric buses, Kevin has the skills and experience necessary to repair today’s broad variety of vehicles.

After years of planning and saving, Kevin’s lifelong dream of owning his own shop became a reality in November of 2024, when he purchased Auto Specialties. He is determined to provide his customers with transparent, comprehensive auto repair and maintenance at a reasonable price.
“I want customers to feel confident that they’re leaving their cars with someone who will ensure it operates the way it was designed to,” Kevin says. “If repairs are needed, I’ll give them a quote for the most cost effective solution I can provide.”
He bought the business from Mark Fleming, who opened Auto Specialties, LLC in Newington, CT in 1987. After more than 35 years of providing the community with outstanding vehicle maintenance and repairs, he decided it was time to move on.
But Mark wouldn’t just sell his shop to the highest bidder. He wanted to ensure the new owner would safeguard the shop’s reputation and provide the same high level of care to his customers and their vehicles that he always had.
When Kevin Cornell made him an offer, he knew he’d finally found the buyer he was looking for.
Like Mark, Kevin has no tolerance for auto shops that take advantage of their customers. He doesn’t agree with upselling and other dishonest tactics that he’s seen throughout the auto repair industry.

“I’ll never recommend a service that a customer doesn’t need,” he says.

“With so many vehicles in need of repair, it would be a waste of my time to sell parts or services a vehicle doesn’t need.”
Kevin Cornell